We Export Whole Land Rover Defender 110
Models Part by Part in Wooden Boxes.

There are several Land Rover Defender 110 models in Turkey. We can dismantle trucks part by part in a very economical way then we can export the whole car parts to USA and Canada in wooden boxes to make export process in cheaper. We get the scrap permits for the vehicles then legally dismantle the trucks. We also can restore, sandblast , paint the truck parts according color code of your wish before shipping them to abroad. We modernize original parts of the truck. We guarantee these parts to pass through USA Customs.
In Turkey Land Rover Defender aftermarket industury is higly developed. We can find for you new parts manufactured in Turkey like doors, side steps, Roof rack, Seats, bumpers, fog lights and headlights, hyrolic steering, air conditions etc. very reasonable prices.